
2008 Sea to Sea Model T Ford Tour

This is a brief account of the 2008 Baltimore Maryland to Los Angeles Model T Ford Tour. This was a 27 day, 3,150 mile driving tour conducted by the Model T Club of Southern California in May 3 – 30 2008. We followed the Historic National Road (Route 40) which was the first federally funded highway from Baltimore to where it ends in St. Louis. We then joined and followed Historic Route 66 to Los Angeles.

21 Cars began the tour and 19 finished (the other 2 could have and should have been repaired on the road). Our overnights were in: Hagerstown MD, Uniontown PA, Zanesville OH, Richmond In, Terre Haute IN, Vandalia IL, St. Louis MO, Springfield MO, Tulsa OK, Oklahoma City OK, Elk City OK, Amarillo TX, Tucumcari NM, Santa Fe NM, Albuquerque NM, Gallup NM, Holbrook AZ, Williams AZ, Laughlin NV, Barstow CA to Los Angeles CA.

Model T Ford Tours are a wonderful way to see the countryside and meet the local people.